Sunday, February 12, 2012

Make it Wonderous

Life is beautiful and imaginable. 
No single person should have to go through life wondering if there is a single purpose that doesn't involve pain. 
A girl has but one single tear run down her face as if there isn't a such thing as passion. 
A person shouldn't lay in their bed crying their eyes out, wondering what would have happened if things had been different. 
We shouldn't have to live day by day wondering what if? 
We should live life as if it were our last. 
Make it just the beginning of life itself. 
Make it beautiful. 

No One:

Something to live by;

No one should have to go through life wondering "What if?" 

it's simple

I honestly have to sit here and be honest with every single person here reading this. I have noticed that my posts have became nothing but a soap opera of life to ya'll. No where did I mean to honestly do such things; but, it seemed like the best thing I knew how to do was speak of personal problems without thinking of consequences.
Well, all in all, things have definitely became a whole lot easier for me. Without worrying about stupidity of someone else's actions other than myself. 

WHY? by: Patricia Walker

I never asked to be born. I never really asked to grow up in this so called world. I never understood the meaning of life nor did I understand what love was. I would try and scream out your name wondering if there truly were an answer to anything I had to asked.

Sometimes, I feel like the shattered glass upon the floor just isn't shattered because it's been broken; but, because there was a meaning behind it. There is a meaning, right? I'm not imagining the shattered glass, I'm not pretending it doesn't exist; but, I'm seeing it as it just happened. I'm seeing a couple screaming and fighting for their life together. I'm wondering, is there a life out there? A life beyond all the pain. I want to be able to pick up the piece, could I possibly glue them back together or do I have to start over from scratch? 

I feel like I can sit here and scream! Scream out your name. Scream at the top of my lungs and no one will hear me, not even you..the one person I'd thought would hear me, doesn't even know I'm in the same room. Someone, just someone to look up from the world and see me with crystal like tears fading as they drop from my eyes, shivers that shrine throughout my body with pain and loss. 

The creative mind can come up with over a million possibilities; but, I seem to be finding the same answer everytime. Why? Why seems to be always the one word you use a lot and it always seems to be the question we ask the most so Why is it that the answer is always YOU? 

Friday, February 10, 2012

So Close, Yet so Far Away

It's February 10, 2012 and we only have about 63 days until school gets out. Cannot believe that we're already so close to graduating. As of right now, we graduate on May 27th, 2012. The last day of school is May 21st, 2012. I never knew that Senior year could ever possibly fly by so quickly.
Everything so far has been such a good turn out for 2012; but, I know there are going to be some downfalls. As follows, there are many things that are happening right around the corner.

  • March - Tongue Piercing
  • April 6th - 18th birthday
  • April 27th - Prom
  • May 18th or 20th - Senior Grad night
  • May 21st - Last day of School
  • May 27th - Graduation
  • June - Graduation party
so much to do in such a short period of time.