Don't Believe You Can't Accomplish the Impossible. Many Things are Almost Unaccomplished, but As You Keep Going Towards the Ending...You'll Find a New Beginning for Yourself.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Is Hurts Bad
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Writing My Story or Ours?
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
New job, more pain.
No Effect
Sunday, August 11, 2013
One Year of Knowing
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Letter to self
Baby names, maybe used in the future?
Friday, August 9, 2013
Wedding Planning
Positive Post?
Wedding far.
Overall Wedding Price: $12,600
Wedding/Reception: $6,000
Dress: $400-$1,000
Catering: $800-$1,000
Groom Tux: $400
Groomsmen Tux: $250/each
Bridemaids Dresses: $200/each
Decorations: $2,000
Taking Care of Evailyne
Love just isn't the same anymore. And it doesn't seem like its getting any better or improvement. I look down at our daughter and I know that she is the most precious thing I could ever have in my life right now. But it gets to me. I take care of Evailyne 24/7 and Jordan acts like he's the one taking care of her. He says its stressful for him, but he doesn't do even half of what I do.
I get up with her in the middle of the night and put her back to sleep. Sometimes it take an hour at least to put her down. I am the one that feeds her and changes her, and I will admit that yes Jordan does it sometimes, but most of the time I have to ask him to do so. He runs off and does as he pleases and I don't say anything. He goes and does and says whatever...and I don't open my mouth. I'm always taking care of our daughter. And I'm not complaining. I just complain because I wish he understood that he isn't even doing the half of it.
I should of known this is what would happen. He acts like he doesn't even have a daughter unless he walks up to her and to kiss her. That's about it. Its like he only ever wants her when she's clean and fed. And he wants to cuddle with her.
I feel like I'm a full time housemaid. I know that no matter what I'm a full time mother, but I feel like a single mother. Because I feel as if there is no romance either. Her mother and father are just like they're living with one another without any care for another. Evailyne might as well be growing up with a split family because I bet even society can see there is like there is no romance for this couple.
I miss our love
I miss our romance
You've destroyed my views
How can I trust
You've forbid me to care
Because I care too much
Your love is like torture
Your love is to harsh
You tell me
You still love me
You tell me
You still care
But you have me lost
You have fading
Where is our love
Why is it so hard
Hopeful Love? Lost in Time
Lately, its felt like everyday is getting harder to live. I wonder everyday at least once a day about what will happen if Jordan is to leave me, but he doesn't worry about me. About my decisions. He doesn't sit back and think of how I'm dealing with everything, what he would feel like if I were to get up and leave him. I'm scared and worried. He isn't afraid of losing me...he isn't afraid of what goes on in my head 24/7. He scares me everyday about what he'll do next. But yet he doesn't have a care in the world what my next move will be.
He makes me feel like that if I were to leave, he would let me just walk away. Like he wouldn't even care to fight for me. I don't want to leave him, I don't. I don't want to walk out of his life, but I feel like if I were to make the step of leaving...he wouldn't try evem harder to keep me.
I'm the happiest I've ever been when were together "sometimes", but sometimes he makes me feel like he doesn't want to try anymore. Like I'm trying for an invisible relationship that doesn't exist anymore. I try to be romantic and he doesn't pick up on it. I want him to be romantic and he's clueless.
We went to Point Park yesterday. The first place we took pictures together and the place that Jordan told me that I was his girl. I wanted to just spend time together and try to relive that day, but he was clueless as to why I wanted to go to Point. Before hand I wanted to go down to Down on Main Street (family restaurant) and relive the first place we ever went together and ate. He couldn't even get it in his head as to why I wanted to be there. He didn't see anything romantic in it. We wound up talking about random things, on top of talking about girls he had messed with before me.
Date? No. It was just like eating at McDonalds. Nothing special. My memories of what we've done together is just its my memories that just don't include him I guess. He sees no signifigance in anything that I do for us anymore. All they are like writings on the wall. Nothing special, nothing hopeful.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
How could I just believe it?
Getting bigger and older
Monday, July 1, 2013
Step One
Saturday, June 29, 2013
They Say Finding Out Hurts the Most
Friday, June 28, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
Pregnancy Fear? I don't Know...
I'm so afraid and I don't know why. I just don't know what to do. I'm afraid of how excited I am to be a mother and then when the time comes for me to be going into labor, not being able to see my baby, not being able to come home with her, not being able to be a family with my fiance' and child.
I've done much research and so much looking up and it doesn't seem like I have a reason to be so scared or worried to die during or after's just a true fear of mine. I'm afraid of not being a mother.
TOP 10 Labor & Delivery Fears:
1. Making it to the hospital in time
2. Not being able to handle the pain!
3. Having a c-section
4. Dying
5. Pooping on the floor
6. The epidural
7. Tearing like crazy.
8. My birth plan going out the window.
9. Being in labor FOREVER.
10. Delivery complications
New Places? New Job?
We went to a consignment shop yesterday to look for baby clothes. After getting clothes and such, we somehow got into talking about apartments and jobs. Somehow we've ran into a great person here in our own town now and we're keeping our heads held high. Sincerely just waiting for the bombshell to come down raining on us. This guy tells us that his family owns almost half of Richmond and we're like that's great. Then he tells us he owns Apartments and Houses, uh! What are we supposed to do here? We're so excited. We're really hiped about getting out on our own with our baby girl.
Then I mean, Jordan got up yesterday morning to go to a agency to help get himself a job, then they tell him once he's finished that he will probably most likely be hired on. So now, we're in the zone of new job, new place, and even able to get my dog back. So excited. Don't have much to say about the situation.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The Sun and The Rain
I hate the Sun
It's too Bright
It's too vibrant
It's too Happy
The Rain
I love the Rain
It's so gloomy
It's so real
It's got so much tell
The Rain has a story
The Sun does not
The Rain can tell each persons life
The Sun just brightens
The Rain keeps a persons mind wondering
The Sun...
Well the Sun Cannot
I'm within Your Love
They keep me rejoicing with Love
When I look into them
I feel as if I can tell your story
Your love for me grows strong
Like a river deep and ocean that runs along
Your eyes are what brought me closer
But it's your love that created me so
Your love is what brought me truly there
To sit along the silver lining of your heart
Your love
I can't live without your love
How I long everyday to hear the sweet words of your love
The chain that runs through hearts
They bind us more through history
How I long to live for your love
Any day
And forever
I Want to Name You
I can't call you this or I can't call you that
I don't want to call you something some other has
I can't look at you and let you be a reminder
I can't choose a cute one because it was once said
I want to be different
And give you a unique name
I want to do things that no other has ever done
Why is it so hard
Why is it so excruciating
I want to give you a name
I want it to be different
I don't want to call you by your first
I don't want to call you by your last
You're my love
You're my soul
What can I name you
What can I call you
Baby I want to name you such a word
Something different
Something cute
But why
Why does it have to be so sane
End the Heartached Pain
Trying desperately to drown the voices
The voices she had heard in her head
The echoes got stronger
She wanted to scream
She wanted to end it all with the shattered pane
Staring at the ceiling
She knew it had to happen
She needed to drown out the torture
The pain
And the sorrows
Wanting to scream for the torture
Too much to bare any longer
She'd grab her shirt and begin to tear
Tearing at the seams
She knew it was no longer possible
Her heart had already been brought
Brought to the surface
Of an aching tortured past
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
First Time for Everything
Our first kiss
Our first hello
Even our first goodbye
Every time I wanted to kiss you so much
The first time we Met
I'd never have imagined
Imagined this is where we'd be today
Your love upon my love
It's like we'd been made for Each other
Just never knew
I first saw you sitting there
Didn't know you
Didn't even know your name
It was our first time seeing each other
The way your hair laid upon your shoulders
How your eyes just glistened
I loved how your hair was in such a curl
The way that red bandanna kept me a stare
Your dirty clothes
And dirty smile
How I still longed to know your name
Days got brighter with each time I saw
Each solid time that I saw your face
How did I know
How could I have known
I'd love you so
How could I have known that you'd mean so much
Our first kiss
Led to More
More than I'd even dream of
The first time you'd hold me
The first time we'd kissed upon measures
Your love is even stronger
Stronger than any other love could hold
Pushing Distances
That my love isn't the purity
That you need
Or wanted
My love is strong enough
To move mountains
For you
I'm afraid
It's not strong
Just for you
You're the one I want
And you're the one I need
Can you understand the purity
That I need
I feel the longing for Love
And laughter
It worries me
Worries me so that its not
Just for you
Maybe you want more
Maybe you need more
More than I give
More than I can offer