Friday, August 9, 2013

Taking Care of Evailyne

Love just isn't the same anymore. And it doesn't seem like its getting any better or improvement. I look down at our daughter and I know that she is the most precious thing I could ever have in my life right now. But it gets to me. I take care of Evailyne 24/7 and Jordan acts like he's the one taking care of her. He says its stressful for him, but he doesn't do even half of what I do.

I get up with her in the middle of the night and put her back to sleep. Sometimes it take an hour at least to put her down. I am the one that feeds her and changes her, and I will admit that yes Jordan does it sometimes, but most of the time I have to ask him to do so. He runs off and does as he pleases and I don't say anything. He goes and does and says whatever...and I don't open my mouth. I'm always taking care of our daughter. And I'm not complaining. I just complain because I wish he understood that he isn't even doing the half of it.

I should of known this is what would happen. He acts like he doesn't even have a daughter unless he walks up to her and to kiss her. That's about it. Its like he only ever wants her when she's clean and fed. And he wants to cuddle with her.

I feel like I'm a full time housemaid. I know that no matter what I'm a full time mother, but I feel like a single mother. Because I feel as if there is no romance either. Her mother and father are just like they're living with one another without any care for another. Evailyne might as well be growing up with a split family because I bet even society can see there is like there is no romance for this couple.

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