So, About a week ago we received some exciting but surprising news. We're expecting. Yes, shortly after we got engaged, we find out we're expecting a baby. I didn't expect this to happen so soon, but I guess it's just a sign. We're really happy to become parent's. This is a really shocking time for us, but there isn't really much we can say about it. We're almost speechless. We don't care rather it's a boy or girl. Jordan and I joke everyday on what we want, he wants a boy, I want a girl. But as long as our child is a healthy baby, then we're perfectly fine with what we receive.
I couldn't be any happier, yes it is soon for us, especially for this to be happening now...but we're ready. A child can mean so many things and for us, it's just another form of our love. A child is a blessing and it definitely is in my eyes. I cannot wait to be a mommy, it's still so hard to believe. I'm ready one-hundred percent.
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