Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June. 23. 2010

Well, as of now it is June 23rd 2010. 
I have exactly three days to be ready for Summer Scream. I have to be up around 5-5:30am Sunday morning and have to be at the church by 6:00am. It is going to so much fun. I can't wait to go. There is actually only about a total of five or six of us going and I don't really talk to the people that will going too. So I don't know how the trip there will be like. No idea on how long of a drive it is, so for the most part I will probably be sitting by myself writing my novel. listening to music and texting (around dinner). Until then, I'll be sleeping. 
(My Living room just brighten up real quick, the sun is rising)
Anyways, I have to begin packing today after I actually finally fall asleep and such. I haven't got the slightest clue to as to what I will be taking. but I know one thing..When I get to Summer Scream, I won't be able to have my cellphone. I'll be able to have it all the way, until we get there. Six days without my cellphone. Whoa. I certainly hope I will be occupied. But I am sure I will. I'll be gone from June/27-July/2. 
Then on July 4, I have my cousin Debbie & Boo's fourth of July hogroast:) Can't Wait. My Friend, Erika has to stay with me that Sunday, so she will going with us. Yippee. 
On July 5, We will all be leaving for Family Vacation to Laurel Lake. My aunt Crystal got to take her new boyfriend, so I get to take my bes-tie Erika. It's going to be a great a fun week. Even if the family trip is only for four days. haha. 
Then...July 11, I have my family reunion. Erika might go with me to this too. I haven't really asked my parent's about this one yet, but I'm pretty sure they won't mind it, even the thought of my family reunion I'll know I am going to be really bored. So Erika could keep me company. Especially, on the big inflatables:)

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