Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hmm. Well Today is Wednesday. And I still haven't been to bed. For some reason for the past few nights I haven't been getting to bed until about 4:30am. It's not because I want to stay up, but it's where I can't sleep. I toss and turn. And today, well yesterday..I still can't sleep, but this time I haven't slept yet. It's been almost, not quite, but almost twenty-four hours since I have been awake. It's sitting here being 7:06am. At least this way, I have all kinds kind of stuff on my mind that I have written about at least two or three things so far.
I'm not even tired. It's more of a boring feeling, than a tired feeling. about an hour my parents will be waking up for work, and if I am still awake they will probably be asking me "Why are you still up? Have you went to bed yet?" and my answer will be. "Nope."

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