Don't Believe You Can't Accomplish the Impossible. Many Things are Almost Unaccomplished, but As You Keep Going Towards the Ending...You'll Find a New Beginning for Yourself.
Monday, May 31, 2010
May/30-Newport Aquarium
I had alot of fun today too. The day after I go to the Zoo, I end up going to the aquarium:). I seen all the fish and stuff. My little cousin Mollie who's only 6 months old, was really amazed by all the fish. She really enjoyed the sharks.
May 29/Louisville Zoo
On May 29, Me & My parents went to the Louisville Zoo. It was great. It wasn't as boring as I thought it would be. I was really wanting my best friend, Kimmy to go with us. But my parent's wouldn't let her. Oh well! I had a very good time there with them. I got to see my favorite animal:) Meerkats. The Meerkats are my favorite animal of all time, then it's ferrets:) My dad also got to see his favorite animal too. The Gorilla's. JoJo isn't there anymore, so my dad has a new one that he likes. His name is Timmy.
Monday, May 24, 2010
After Youth at McDonald's
It's been a few days since I last wrote on here. Yesterday was Sunday, and it was Kimmy's first day at youth. She loved it. So now we're going to have to start taking her with us. It was an awesome day. Me, Josh and Kimmy all went to McDonald's after youth. We had a good time at first, but then as we we're getting ready to leave we seen these two really guys walk in. It took me a second to recognize the one. He was the one guy that I had seen a month before and I said he had a cute butt. Me and Kimmy began laughing so hard. The guys just kept looking at us and smiling. I couldn't help but laugh. After me and Kimmy got our McFlurries we walked back out to Josh's car and was still laughing our butts off. Even Josh was laughing. We sat there for a few seconds then seen the guys walking out. We began to pull out and they we're right behind us. Almost got hit in the tail end trying to pull out. They went out around us and got in front. the two guys were staring out the back of there truck at us. We went right beginning home, when all of a sudden they ended up being two trucks behind us. They followed us about 8 miles from McDonald's then pulled down another road. that was a hilarious and awesome day after youth. I'll tell you what. We have got to totally do it again sometime.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Family Night: FALLEN

Last night I watched a really great movie. In my opinion I hope they create a second part to it. It was called FALLEN. With Paul Wesley. If you have ever seen The Vampire Diaries, then I really recommend that you will like this movie.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A poem by Courtney Walker
I woke up this morning thinking you was beside me.
I miss your strong arms holding me in the morning.
Your voice shooting like rockets up my spine.
The smell of your cologne when you hugged me.
Your gorgeous hazel eyes
Your smile.
Everything about you was perfect.
What happened?
Why did it all have to happen?
It's been exactly one year today...since your death.
Your beautiful and wonderful son learned his first words.
Jason (our son) made me cry today.
His first words were daddy.
Matt, I Love You, I Miss You.
Why did he have take you?
Even though it's been a year. it's so hard to live with the fact that your gone.
Jason reminds me so much of you.
He has your hair, your eyes.
even your smile.
I think if i hadn't told you that i was pregnant
This would of never of happened.
It's my fault.
It's my fault your gone.
Why did I have to be so stupid??
Why couldn't it have been me?
He doesn't understand that all this is killing me.
The beauty of it is...Jason is like a reincarnation of you.
He's like you in every way.
No matter what he does. He's like you 100%
Matthew! please...forgive me for all i have caused you.
I woke up this morning thinking you was beside me.
I miss your strong arms holding me in the morning.
Your voice shooting like rockets up my spine.
The smell of your cologne when you hugged me.
Your gorgeous hazel eyes
Your smile.
Everything about you was perfect.
What happened?
Why did it all have to happen?
It's been exactly one year today...since your death.
Your beautiful and wonderful son learned his first words.
Jason (our son) made me cry today.
His first words were daddy.
Matt, I Love You, I Miss You.
Why did he have take you?
Even though it's been a year. it's so hard to live with the fact that your gone.
Jason reminds me so much of you.
He has your hair, your eyes.
even your smile.
I think if i hadn't told you that i was pregnant
This would of never of happened.
It's my fault.
It's my fault your gone.
Why did I have to be so stupid??
Why couldn't it have been me?
He doesn't understand that all this is killing me.
The beauty of it is...Jason is like a reincarnation of you.
He's like you in every way.
No matter what he does. He's like you 100%
Matthew! please...forgive me for all i have caused you.
A poem by Courtney Walker
I called you today!
But i forgot u can't answer your phone anymore
I got on MSN last night waitin'
But i forgot u deleted yours
I got u a rose
But it died
I wrote you a letter
But It flew away
I waited for you at the park
But u didn't show
I went to our favorite resturant
But u didn't make it
I went to the old grave yard
I layed at your grave for hours hoping u would come back to me!
I called you today!
But i forgot u can't answer your phone anymore
I got on MSN last night waitin'
But i forgot u deleted yours
I got u a rose
But it died
I wrote you a letter
But It flew away
I waited for you at the park
But u didn't show
I went to our favorite resturant
But u didn't make it
I went to the old grave yard
I layed at your grave for hours hoping u would come back to me!
I Wish
A poem by Courtney Walker
I wish I had the ony guy
I wish he luved me for me
I wish i wasn't alone all the time
I wish he was there for me
I wish I could to him about everythine that was bothering me
I wish I could be with him
I wish he was with me
I wish I could talk to him
I wish I could see him
I wish he seen me for me
I wish I was his
I wish he was mine
I wish we we're together
I wish he would stop thinking of what his friends would say
I wish loved eachother forever
I wish I had the ony guy
I wish he luved me for me
I wish i wasn't alone all the time
I wish he was there for me
I wish I could to him about everythine that was bothering me
I wish I could be with him
I wish he was with me
I wish I could talk to him
I wish I could see him
I wish he seen me for me
I wish I was his
I wish he was mine
I wish we we're together
I wish he would stop thinking of what his friends would say
I wish loved eachother forever
A poem by Courtney Walker
* You Don't know what it feels like to to have your heart ache unitil you go through the hallways of school, and you always see couples together holding hands and kissing.
* Knowing no one likes you or wants you
* To Feel the pain throbbing in your chest, thinking that there is someone out there for you.
* To Think that the guy that you liked, liked you too. But it all turn out to be all wrong. A Lie
* To Wonder if when a guy stares at you whenever he see's you. If it's a good or bad thing.
* Wondering if when you look at him and he is looking back at you. If he truly likes you, or it's just out of habit.
* Just wishing that someday you will get a text from someone, you can't figure who it is. then you begin to talk and then come to find out that it was that guy that you had liked for the longest time.
* To Wish he will ask you out and show you off to his friends. And he won't care what they think. because he knows, he likes you for who you are. Not what you come off to be.
* Truly feeling loved. Someone to be there when I need him. Someone to show me off to the world. To hold me when I'm scared and lonely, even upset.
* I've liked all the wrong guys. Because it has always turned out where they would say "I Like You" but then they would end up ignoring me. Like I wasn't even there.
* I don't know if it's the end or the beginning of a wonderful or horrible dream!
* You Don't know what it feels like to to have your heart ache unitil you go through the hallways of school, and you always see couples together holding hands and kissing.
* Knowing no one likes you or wants you
* To Feel the pain throbbing in your chest, thinking that there is someone out there for you.
* To Think that the guy that you liked, liked you too. But it all turn out to be all wrong. A Lie
* To Wonder if when a guy stares at you whenever he see's you. If it's a good or bad thing.
* Wondering if when you look at him and he is looking back at you. If he truly likes you, or it's just out of habit.
* Just wishing that someday you will get a text from someone, you can't figure who it is. then you begin to talk and then come to find out that it was that guy that you had liked for the longest time.
* To Wish he will ask you out and show you off to his friends. And he won't care what they think. because he knows, he likes you for who you are. Not what you come off to be.
* Truly feeling loved. Someone to be there when I need him. Someone to show me off to the world. To hold me when I'm scared and lonely, even upset.
* I've liked all the wrong guys. Because it has always turned out where they would say "I Like You" but then they would end up ignoring me. Like I wasn't even there.
* I don't know if it's the end or the beginning of a wonderful or horrible dream!
A poem by Courtney Walker
I can remember the feeling i had when you told me
"I love you"
the feeling i had inside was so wonderful
i don't think there was a pure definition of how i felt
I haven't known you for more than about five minutes and i already know that, this time i have finally found someone for me
I would of never met you if it wasn't for her
she is my bestie
my friend
my sister
I'm thankful i have you now in my life
we can do wonders with this one we call "love"
The sudden chills i get when i know that i love you is like a true fairytale coming true
but then something happened.....
now I'm scared for the both of us.
i want to be with you right now.
to be beside you, to show you how much you matter to me
because I'm telling you now, "I Love You"
and i think, even when i didn't know you. i think i loved you then too
I want to spend the rest of my life with you
not someone like you, but with you
you are my fairytale ending come true
I want be with you forever, knowing that when you come home and say "i Love You"
i know you really mean it.
i can remember when you told me you "love me"
i can remember when you told me "I'm not like other guys"
i can remember when you told me "i want to be with you forever"
i can remember when you told me "i can see us married, me loving you as much as i do now"
with what has happened, i really hope this comes true
i want to spend the rest of my life with you too.
in a few years, i want to be Mrs. Griffin
I will love you, forever and always.
just remember...."i love you"
and i will be right here waiting for you to come home!
I can remember the feeling i had when you told me
"I love you"
the feeling i had inside was so wonderful
i don't think there was a pure definition of how i felt
I haven't known you for more than about five minutes and i already know that, this time i have finally found someone for me
I would of never met you if it wasn't for her
she is my bestie
my friend
my sister
I'm thankful i have you now in my life
we can do wonders with this one we call "love"
The sudden chills i get when i know that i love you is like a true fairytale coming true
but then something happened.....
now I'm scared for the both of us.
i want to be with you right now.
to be beside you, to show you how much you matter to me
because I'm telling you now, "I Love You"
and i think, even when i didn't know you. i think i loved you then too
I want to spend the rest of my life with you
not someone like you, but with you
you are my fairytale ending come true
I want be with you forever, knowing that when you come home and say "i Love You"
i know you really mean it.
i can remember when you told me you "love me"
i can remember when you told me "I'm not like other guys"
i can remember when you told me "i want to be with you forever"
i can remember when you told me "i can see us married, me loving you as much as i do now"
with what has happened, i really hope this comes true
i want to spend the rest of my life with you too.
in a few years, i want to be Mrs. Griffin
I will love you, forever and always.
just remember...."i love you"
and i will be right here waiting for you to come home!
Lovely Precious
A poem wrote by Courtney Walker.
She laid in bed sobbing of what he had done to her. she didn't know what she was going to do. it had been a few months and yet she still thought about him. he left her for someone else. he yelled at her.
she began cutting her wrists
she tried everything in her power to kill herself..then she found out she was pregnant.
she wanted to tell him so badly that it hurt more than the cuts did. she screamed herself to sleep when she found out. the only thing had left was that baby. she lost her mom when she six, lost her dad when she thirteen...and lost her boyfriend a few months ago.
she's only sixteen and pregnant. she didn't know what to do next. she kept thinking she wanted to get rid of it. abortion or adoption? she didn't know...but then it was to late to do it. then that precious little thing was born.
she looked down at the hopeless little girl she had brought into the world. how could she be so stupid to try her and baby. she look down at the little girl in her arms and said "your name is Precious" and thats what she really was. a precious child. a precious life. a precious soul brought into this world by a lonely girl who made one mistake.
She laid in bed sobbing of what he had done to her. she didn't know what she was going to do. it had been a few months and yet she still thought about him. he left her for someone else. he yelled at her.
she began cutting her wrists
she tried everything in her power to kill herself..then she found out she was pregnant.
she wanted to tell him so badly that it hurt more than the cuts did. she screamed herself to sleep when she found out. the only thing had left was that baby. she lost her mom when she six, lost her dad when she thirteen...and lost her boyfriend a few months ago.
she's only sixteen and pregnant. she didn't know what to do next. she kept thinking she wanted to get rid of it. abortion or adoption? she didn't know...but then it was to late to do it. then that precious little thing was born.
she looked down at the hopeless little girl she had brought into the world. how could she be so stupid to try her and baby. she look down at the little girl in her arms and said "your name is Precious" and thats what she really was. a precious child. a precious life. a precious soul brought into this world by a lonely girl who made one mistake.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Practical. Day.
Today was a practical normal day at school. We are beginning to review for the Final Exams next week. It was a slow/good paced day. How come you may ask? Well most of the day when we weren't doing anything I would sleep through the class. So it was a good paced day. This morning I found out that I qualified for AP English. That's Awesome-ness:) It's for college credit, so I am totally going to take it. Something really weird. Lately there is only one song I have been listening to lately. It's "Jessie's Girl" the Glee version. Not the Rick Springfield version of the song.
Well there is no school tomorrow. Fun. Probably go walking and think about some things that I really need to get off my mind. I have a lot of things going on in my head right now. So much has to be said, but can't. There not my secrets to tell. It's a painful experience to have so many friends that can trust you and that you can trust. The only thing is I have one true friend that I know I will always be able to talk to and be able to tell anything too. Isn't it quite weird that you and your best friend go through the same problems at the same time? I call it true friendship. We're friends, best friends, family, sisters. Always will love my best friend Kimberly.
Well there is no school tomorrow. Fun. Probably go walking and think about some things that I really need to get off my mind. I have a lot of things going on in my head right now. So much has to be said, but can't. There not my secrets to tell. It's a painful experience to have so many friends that can trust you and that you can trust. The only thing is I have one true friend that I know I will always be able to talk to and be able to tell anything too. Isn't it quite weird that you and your best friend go through the same problems at the same time? I call it true friendship. We're friends, best friends, family, sisters. Always will love my best friend Kimberly.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
It's been a couple days since I last wrote on my blog. I had alot of fun last night. I went to D & R's place. They we're throwing Roy a party since he'll be leaving on Wednesday for a job in Florida. I hung out with a few friends and went walking with Matt. Hadn't seen him in forever so we talked and cracked up. It was hilarious on some of the things. I was going to stay at Haley's and Camp out with her. But by time I was done hanging out with everyone and such. I was tired. Other than when I got home and practically went to bed. I had loads of fun. Gonna have to do again..and soon. :)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Daybreakers [Family Movie Night]
Family Movie Night. Last night we watched an awesome movie called Daybreakers. I really recommend it to anyone who loves/likes vampire movies. To sum it up, it's about the world in the year 2019. When everyone has became vampires and there is only about 25% humans left in the world. Ethan Hawke stars as Edward Dalton. A vampire trying to find the cure to become human again. Trying to help the world become a human race once again. I truly recommend this movie and I would definitely watch it again I give it 5 stars *****.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Storm Hits Carrollton
Today started off as a good day. Until around first period when the big storm hit us. During first period we began to hear thunder coming from within the hallways. Concerned what was going to happen, the lights began to flicker in some parts of the school. Lightening struck one of the speakers and it began a static sound. A friend of mine was sitting in the hallway working on a project and sparks flew out of the light down on top of her. Sparks flew out of the smart boards. Here I am sitting in third period and I really want to go home. I want to be with my parents. During storms I haven't got a good feeling about them. If I'm away from home when there is a storm and I don't know how to get a hold of my mom or dad in any way, I begin to feel worried. Neither one of my parents have minutes on their phones, so I can' text them to see how they are. Carrollton has got Flash Flood warnings. I love storms, don't get me wrong. But I feel I shouldn't be here worried while they may be home and I have no way to contact them.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Elvis & Me: Review
Last night I watched a movie that i have read the book of 6 times. Elvis & Me By: Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. I cried so hard on that book and cried even harder when I finally watched the movie for the first time last night. A few things in the movie we're definitely weren't in the book. Priscilla just didn't write half that stuff into her book, why would they want to put it in the movie if she didn't write it? Anyways, I loved the movie twice as much as I loved the book. The story of Priscilla and Elvis was a excruciating story of love and sacrifice. You would never think that from watching Elvis' movies, that his life was like that. The drugs of how it all changed his life and the emotions he couldn't just feel for Priscilla. His life was an ending disaster in the end. He couldn't get away from the drugs (sleeping pills, awakening pills). Watching his movies you would think that his life was perfect when he was on the big screen. But truly, he never wanted to act and sing at the same time. He wanted to be taken as a serious actor. Priscilla loved Elvis (and probably still does to the day), and Elvis loved Priscilla. Everything just began to fall apart as Elvis started to go down hill in his career.
Elvis Presley born January 8, 1935, Died August 16, 1977.
I was raised on Elvis Presley's music and his performances in movies. I never have seen nor heard a better actor and singer. He will always be my number one favorite. Just wish I was alive when he was around. Elvis was a definition of the perfect singer/actor. I just wish he put more effort into keeping away from drugs as he put into them.
This movie Elvis & Me is definitely a have-to-see movie. Also along with the book Elvis & Me, you must read it. If you're as much as a Elvis fan as I am.
Elvis Presley born January 8, 1935, Died August 16, 1977.
I was raised on Elvis Presley's music and his performances in movies. I never have seen nor heard a better actor and singer. He will always be my number one favorite. Just wish I was alive when he was around. Elvis was a definition of the perfect singer/actor. I just wish he put more effort into keeping away from drugs as he put into them.
This movie Elvis & Me is definitely a have-to-see movie. Also along with the book Elvis & Me, you must read it. If you're as much as a Elvis fan as I am.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Considering A Relationship? Too Soon?
Texting a friend a few hours ago and finally found out that the guy I have been talking to lately likes me. I can't believe it, I haven't dated anyone since my last boyfriend Adam. I'm not sure that I'm ready to move on, it's only been a few short months since the tragedy and I don't think I can simply just pretend like nothing happened. Is it wrong to move on from a tragedy that happened to not only the person, but to yourself too? January was only a few short months ago and I don't think it's time to move on, but I need some kind of motivation to be able to find me someone to make me happy. Adam told me to move on and make sure that if anything ever happened to him just to make the best of it and never forget him.
January was only four and half months ago and I don't know if it's time to be able to make the next step. It hurts me just to write and try to think of what can be, but is it alright? Is it the right thing to do because Adam told me too?
January was only four and half months ago and I don't know if it's time to be able to make the next step. It hurts me just to write and try to think of what can be, but is it alright? Is it the right thing to do because Adam told me too?
Family Movie Night
Well we're going to start having a family night, and last night was our first day of it. We watched the perfect movie. At first me and my dad went to redbox and I didn't see no movies at the kroger redbox, so we went to the McDonald's one. I seen Sorority Row..and I just had to get it. It was a great movie, and I know we're just going to have to buy it.
Theti Pi must Die:)
Theti Pi must Die:)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
To Be...LOVED?
Being lost within the total destruction of this world isn't the only thing that seems to be ending humanity. Some of us begin to wonder if there are any possibilities of love, and being trusted. What does it truly feel like to be loved by the one and only guy that you had liked since maybe Kindergarden? What would it be like to be in a fairytale? Some of us feel as if we're being shredded of love and torture. Some of us don't feel like there is anything besides love in our lives...and it begins to eat at us. Begins to eat at us, and tear our souls to tiny bits before there isn't anything left. Can any of really explain the definition of L.O.V.E? I don't think we can, because to me, there is no pure definition of it. Each and everyone of us have our own definition of what love is and why it is what it is. You could say most of us are just practicing until we meet and have the actual person we're looking for, just haven't found them yet.
Courtney L. Walker
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