Monday, May 24, 2010

After Youth at McDonald's

It's been a few days since I last wrote on here. Yesterday was Sunday, and it was Kimmy's first day at youth. She loved it. So now we're going to have to start taking her with us. It was an awesome day. Me, Josh and Kimmy all went to McDonald's after youth. We had a good time at first, but then as we we're getting ready to leave we seen these two really guys walk in. It took me a second to recognize the one. He was the one guy that I had seen a month before and I said he had a cute butt. Me and Kimmy began laughing so hard. The guys just kept looking at us and smiling. I couldn't help but laugh. After me and Kimmy got our McFlurries we walked back out to Josh's car and was still laughing our butts off. Even Josh was laughing. We sat there for a few seconds then seen the guys walking out. We began to pull out and they we're right behind us. Almost got hit in the tail end trying to pull out. They went out around us and got in front. the two guys were staring out the back of there truck at us. We went right beginning home, when all of a sudden they ended up being two trucks behind us.  They followed us about 8 miles from McDonald's then pulled down another road. that was a hilarious and awesome day after youth. I'll tell you what. We have got to totally do it again sometime.

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